New Electrical Safety regulations to come in 2020 (Draft Legislation).
All private landlords will be subject to more stringent Electrical Safety regulations at their rented out properties – from July 2020.
All private landlords will be subject to more stringent Electrical Safety regulations at their rented out properties – from July 2020.
Another TAX bombshell for landlords in April 2020?
More changes to PPR and CGT will impact property investors. #CGT #PPR #PropertyInvestor
East London boroughs are among the highest performers for both historic and potential future house price growth, according to a new borough by borough analysis
In the post Tenant Fee Ban era, landlords and managing agents can charge no Fees for their services, hence it is imperative that all loopholes
LAND FOR THE MANY? Has the Labour Party really got it in for anyone owning any property for profit? As a person involved in a
Do you know what the current hot topics on property management in the UK are? Here is a list bothering most residential property landlords and
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